Pizza Making Class March 4th, 2018

If you live in the Mid Michign area, I am having a Pizza Making Class on
Sunday, March 4th, 2018.
1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
The class is now SOLD OUT
Come join the fun and learn how to make homemade pizza!
You will learn how to make easy homemade pizza dough,
the best flour to use and the secrets to making terrific
Neapolitan style pizza. We will also make six different kinds
of pizzas, which we will enjoy that afternoon.
You will also make your own homemade dough
and get to take it home.
Space is limited.
E-mail me for details on how to reserve your space.
Reader Comments (9)
I live in Texas, but would be totally interested in a live stream of the class!!!
Keep us posted if that ever becomes available.
Thank you so much!!
I live in California and second the live feed suggestion!!!!!!!
Jealous! I'm in Maine , which is usually a good thing.
I too live in California and would be interested in a live feed!
Live feed please!!
Hello Elaine: Your blog is peerless. Your rustic dishes and cuisine of the wealthy, right out of the Naples villages where, my Mom would often reminisce and share anecdotes when I was a child and, usually while we were in the kitchen where I I would practice the art of making potato gnocchi. I will always miss her.
I would love to watch you streamed making "...ahpizza..."
Maybe, this is something you can consider for the future, as you are a phenomenal and talented chef, baker and pastry maker. Yeh! ;)
I am sorry to have started "something", Elaine. But, I think we all agree how awesome you and your talents are. We'd LOVE to share in the fun through a live stream!!!
Oh how I would LOVE a lifefeed!! If I lived in your area I would be the first one to sign up!!! Blessings from Missouri!!!
Elaine - Sorry I got behind on my emails and missed your pizza class. Please keep me on your list of interested people if you repeat the class. Thank You, Joanne