Caramel Cake - Daring Baker's November Challenge

I was scared to make this cake.
When I saw what this month's Daring Baker's Challenge was, I was excited because it was something sweet and the last couple have been savory. This cake comes from Shuna Fish Lydon, who is a professional pastry chef and writes the great food blog, Eggbeater. I started reading all the comments by people who have previously attempted this cake and had real problems with it. I was sure I would, too. But Shuna had lots of detailed notes posted about how to deal with some of the challenges of this cake and I followed them thoroughly and did not have any problem at all. The cake was moist and light and absolutely delicious. The caramel frosting is outstanding. So if you have the urge to make this cake, don't be afraid. It was pretty straightforward. It just takes a little time to make it properly.