Farm Eggs

Look at these beauties! Remember my post back in February complaining about having to buy grocery store eggs? Well, the new hens over at Flying Goat Farms in Mason are finally laying! I've great fresh farm eggs again. What a difference. Take a look:
Can you see how orange the farm egg is compared to the paler grocery store egg? Well, that makes a very big difference in the taste. And if you look carefully at the picture, you can even tell a difference in the egg whites. The farm egg's white is much firmer and distinctive. Michael Pollan talks about this in his book, The Omnivore's Dilemma. If you haven't read it yet, what are you waiting for? It should be required reading. If you are interested in the health differences of food like this compared with industrial food, or if you're at all interested in food and nutrition, put this book on your reading list.
Reader Comments (5)
my farmers market opens this coming saturday and fresh eggs such as yours will be mine...
think of the pasta!
(which i have made 3x in 8 days)
Wow, When you look at them side by side, you can see such a difference.
Great post!
I began buying farm fresh eggs a few years ago, and I've never looked back. It's harder to find farmers in my area that have laying hens in the winter, but It can be done. I actually had a friend ask me once "what kind of egg is this? it tastes so good" I had broke one open on top of a pizza a few mins before pulling it out of the oven (man is that good) and he was floored, both by the egg and the pizza! Because of it's intense orange yolk, I had a hard time convincing him "yep, chicken egg, happy chicken egg"
I just had to comment on this post. I can't believe what I was missing out on all my life living in the suburbs or the cities. Now that I live in a rural community, and have had the opportunity to have farm fresh is hard to have different.
There is a huge difference even in organic vs. non organic...or grain fed vs. corn fed etc...
Great that's look really good.Thanks